Thursday 21 April 2011

Retention Time

Did you know that your septic tank is always full? Most weeping fields are gravity fed, so your septic tank must be full to the outlet pipe in order for the weeping field to receive effluent (the liquids). As you introduce waste into the septic tank, effluent flows into the weeping field.

Retention time refers to the time required for the solids in the septic tank to settle out of the liquid. A high retention time is ideal, and will allow adequate settling of the solids.

If water usage is excessive, retention time in your tank will be low. This can cause effluent containing solids to be forced into the weeping field, leading to potential problems in the future.

The following steps will assist with increasing retention time:
  • Space out heavy water usage. For example, don't run the dishwasher and washing machine at the same time.
  • Laundry should be done over the course of the week rather than all on one day. A maximum of one load per day is suggested.
  • Divert your water softener waste water to a grey water system if possible, or cycle only when necessary and during the night.
  • Limit the length of showers
  • Use low flow faucets, showers, and toilets
  • General water conservation measures will reduce the load on your septic system.