Thursday 12 May 2011

Finding your tank

"Where is my septic tank?"  

This is a common question posed by homeowners, especially those new to their home. The septic tank location must be known, as the only way to empty the septic tank is through the lid(s).

Our technician can find and expose the lids of your septic tank for you. If you wish to find the tank yourself, the following steps will assist you.

First of all, explore the basement or lowest level of your house to find the outlet pipe. This is the pipe that transports all of the waste from your house directly to your septic tank. Note the direction the pipe is travelling. Normally it leads straight away from your house and into the tank.

Secondly, go outdoors and investigate the area of your yard where the pipe leaves the house. Occasionally you may find your lid(s) to be at ground level or so shallowly buried that the grass does not grow over your lid(s).

If the location of your tank is not obvious, you will require some sort of metal rod to probe the ground. Begin probing approximately 5' from your house. The nearest side of your septic tank is normally 5-8' away from your home. It may be farther away depending on the lay of the land.

Before probing and digging, be aware of any underground cables or lines. Take care not to disturb any sprinkler lines.

Probe several areas to be sure that you've found the tank. Tank depth varies from 6" to several feet below the ground. Although most tanks aren't buried deeper than 2', we have encountered this.

Most tanks installed over the past 40 years are concrete and approximately 5' x 7' with an 18"-24" lid on either end. Some older tanks are round and consist of only one chamber and one lid. Some tanks consist of several slab lids running across the width of the tank. Some newer tanks are plastic with two round plastic lids. The only way to know for sure is to find and expose your lid(s).

Finding the septic tank on your own can be a trial-and-error ordeal. If you find this to be a hassle, don't hesitate to call. We can find your lids, expose them, and even install risers if you wish to avoid future digging altogether.

A riser, as pictured below, will bring your lids to ground level and make them easily accessible year-round.